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Billing and Payments

Subscription Administrators can access billing and invoice settings from the dashboard by selecting the "Billing & Payments" navigation link. This screen consists of two sections - Billing Summary and Invoice Settings, which we will cover below.

Billing Summary

Since Archipeg follows the pay-as-you-go billing model, it might be confusing and misleading to understand how much you will owe at the end of the billing cycle. To avoid late surprises, we suggest that you refer to the billing summary section of your subscription.

The most valuable part of this module is the estimated invoice amount. Since this number depends entirely on the number of users and projects, the value will only change if any specified inputs change. Otherwise, be assured that the amount will stay unchanged.

The rest of the module displays information related to your payment due date. The first payment is due after 30 days (i.e., trial period) from the day you signed up, and it occurs once per month. We send out the invoice approximately one week ahead of the due date to avoid unintentional subscription deactivations.

We understand that your usage (users and projects) may change between the invoice date and the payment due date, but the invoice amount will not change after you have received it. We consciously chose this approach since we had to give customers time to pay for the invoice.

Invoice Settings

Within the Invoice Settings module, you can view and modify the bill-to name and email for your invoices. Having such an ability can come in handy if you want to have your employer or another entity cover your invoice amount.

If you want to modify the mentioned values, change them in the displayed form, and hit the "Save Settings" button.

Note that the email has two purposes - we print it on the invoice and send the invoice to this address, too. The name may or may not be visible on the invoice, depending on what the Stripe payments system asks us to input when generating your invoice.

See Also


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